Advanced Gas Disconnections Terms and Conditions

Here outlines Advanced Gas Disconnections Terms and Conditions. Should you have any questions after reading our Terms and Conditions, please contact us, as we are always available to answer any questions.
Advanced Gas Disconnection/AGD/The Company/We/Us:
Advanced Gas Disconnections Ltd trading as Advanced Gas Disconnections (AGD). Registered address: Century Business Centre, Century Business Park, Manvers Way, Manvers S63 5DA. Company registration number: 11807173
The customer.
Advanced Gas Disconnections & You
An approximate calculation based on the assumptions made from the information You supplied The Company with either in writing or verbally.
A formal written statement which firms up the estimated cost of the job/service provided by The Company. The statement is based on the information provided by you to The Company either in writing or verbally.
The amount of money paid by You to The Company for the stated works in the quotation, to be carried out. VAT is applied at the current rate included within the price stated.
Acceptance Period:
The number of days which the quotation supplied by Advanced Gas Disconnections remains valid before a new quotation is required. The Company timescale for this period is 45 days unless otherwise stated.
You are consenting to receive/undertake the service offered to You within the quotation supplied by The Company. By You giving Your consent in writing You agree to the terms and conditions, cost and agreed works, stated within the quotation supplied by Advanced Gas Disconnections.
Written agreement of offer and acceptance between The Company and You.
Location the works will be carried out.
Estimated Start Date:
The expected commencement date agreed by You and The Company.
The Works:
The disconnection/removal of pipework and/or metering equipment as stated in the quotation supplied by The Company.
The Works Provider:
Will attend site and carry out The Works on The Company’s behalf. Included are metering and/or subcontractors and/or supply companies.
Meter(s)/(ing) Equipment:
The measuring device records the amount of gas usage enabling the gas provide to issue You with accurate bills.
A pipe that supplies gas to your premises.
Terms and Conditions
The Contract
Should you wish to accept Advanced Gas Disconnections quotation, please sign and return the acceptance form along with full payment of the price stated on the quotation and return to Advanced Gas Disconnections, Century Business Centre, Manvers Way, Manvers, S63 5DA.
The Contract between you and The Company will be legally binding to both parties once The Company receives Your signed acceptance, along with full payment stated in the quotation.
The Company will update you throughout the process and will inform you of the likely commencement date.
Please note you can make the full payment via the electronic quotation sent to you via email. Payment is considered cleared after the money has been deposited into The Companies account. Your acceptance date maybe delayed if you chose to pay by cheque, due to the number of days taken to clear.
Your Obligations
Once you have entered into The Contract, you accept that:
All information provided to The Company by you is accurate. By signing the acceptance form you acknowledge and agree that the quotation is based on the information given to The Company by You.
You will immediately contact The Company to notify us of any changes in information, should they occur.
You will make the full payment of the price stated on the quotation before any works commence.
You will obtain and supply The Company with all relevant and required consents for the works to be carried out.
You are liable for any additional and/or unforeseen costs incurred by The Company due to variations to the works whether at your request or because of unexpected circumstances arising whilst the works progress.
Please note that works maybe suspended until further payments are received from you to cover any additional costs.
You will provide complete unhindered access to the site for the works to be carried out by the works provider (and/any necessary or requested changes).
You accept liability for any losses or costs The Company may incur as a result of any failure on your part to comply with your responsibilities under this agreement
AGD Obligations
Once AGD has entered into the contract, we will:
- Ensure the works commence as soon as reasonably possible after the estimated start date.
- The works are completed within the time period estimated and agreed with you. Should any delays occur, AGD will notify you.
- The pipework and/or metering equipment supplied will be fit for purpose and to the standard stated in AGD’s quotation.
- The pipework will be installed using reasonable care and skill.
Force Majeure & Liability
Neither AGD nor you will be liable (whether in tort or in contract) to the other party for loss of revenue, profit, goodwill or any consequential or indirect loss that may arise from the breach of the contract or from any act of negligence or omission within it.
AGD’s liability to you howsoever arising, whether in contract, tort (including without limitation negligence, breach of statutory duty or tortious act omission or default), by the way of contribution or otherwise, shall be limited to 100% of the price. All warranties on the part of AGD in relation to the works other than those expressly set out in this contract are excluded.
AGD will have no liability or responsibility for the outlet connected on the customer side of the metre and/or metering equipment.
Neither party shall be in breach of this contract nor liable for delay in performing or failure to preform, any of it’s obligations under this contract if such a delay or failure results from events, circumstances or causes beyond reasonable control. In such circumstances the time for performance shall be extended, but if such circumstances prevent AGD from fulfilling its obligations under the contract for more than 180 days, AGD has the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect. AGD will issue you with a written termination notice.
In the unlikely event that the works provider should cause any damage or loss whilst carrying out the works (on AGD’s behalf or not) AGD does not accept any liability for such damage or loss.
The contract shall have no bearing on AGD or you, in the unlikely event of injury or death.
AGD are acting as a project manager for the proposed works and will arrange for a suitably qualified 3rd party contractor to undertake the works. Full terms/ conditions and Insurances of our chosen contractor are available upon request.
AGD shall not be liable (whether in contract or in tort) for loss of profit, loss of revenue or goodwill, or for any indirect or consequential loss arising from any breach of this agreement or from any negligent act or omission hereunder. We accept no liability for any loss or damage arising out of any act or omission of the Works Provider or its agents in the performance of its obligations, whether or not acting on our behalf. In the event of any such loss or damage arising, we will at your request seek reimbursement from the Works Provider and will account to you for any amounts successfully recovered.
You have the right to cancel this contract at any time. A minimum cancellation fee of 10% of the total sell price will apply. Should our incurred costs be above 10% of the total sell price, our cancellation fee will reflect to recover our incurred costs in full.
Contract Termination
Should the following occur:
- you are unable to pay your debts to AGD in full,
- become insolvent or
- materially breach the contract
AGD reserves the right to terminate the contract upon giving you written notice. The termination shall not prejudice any rights that you may have under the terms of this contract.
Data Protection & Privacy Policy
By requesting a quotation from AGD (whether or not the quotation is accepted or not) you are consenting to your data being stored by AGD and/or the companies we work with. The data stored is required for the purpose of controlling credit, preventing fraud and routine account administration.
Please read our website, privacy policy and Data protection policy in conjunction with this document.
Credit Card Refund Policy
AGD will issue refunds back onto the original debit/credit card used when the policy was purchased. Should this be unachievable (e.g.) the debit/credit card has expired, AGD will issue you with a cheque.
Credit/Debit card refunds may take 3-5 working days to process.
Cheque refunds may take up to 28 days to process.
Applicable Law
The contract will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English Law, and the courts of England and Wales shall have jurisdiction in relation to all matters under or in connection with this contract.
If any provision or part-provision of the contract is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. In modifications are impossible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modifications or deletions of a provision or part-provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the contract.
If one party gives notice to the other of the possibility that any provision or part-provision of this contract is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to amend such provisions so that the amended is legal, valid and enforceable, and to the greatest extent possible, achieves the intended commercial result of the original provision.
A waiver of any right under the contract or law is only effective if it is in writing and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. No failure or delay by a party in exercising any right or remedy under the contract or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor prevent or restrict its further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.
Other Matters
AGD reserves the right to sub-contract, transfer or assign its obligations and rights in the contract to any third party. You should seek written consent from AGD, should you wish to assign the contract.
Should notices be required, they must be via written correspondence (email/letter). AGD will assume delivery has been received two days after dispatch.
Notwithstanding any previous communication between the parties, whether written or verbal, this agreement constitutes in full the contract entered into between you & AGD.
Notwithstanding any previous references in any provisions of the contract to a third party (whether by name, description or as a member of a class), the parties do not intend such provision to be enforceable by the third party in its own right. No party other than a party to this contract shall have any right to enforce any provision of this contract pursuant of the contracts (Rights to Third Parties Act 1999).
Advanced Gas Disconnections is a trading name of Advanced Gas Disconnections Ltd. Registered in England & Wales.
Company Number 11807173. Advanced Gas Disconnections, Century Business Centre, Century Business Park, Manvers Way, Manvers S63 5DA.
Revised 18.4.2019